Renaissance man Justin Biggs does everything from ruling Wharton to teaching Philly kids how to get their groove on with CityStep. Despite his non-stop schedule, he still found time to sit down with Street.

Street: As the co-executive producer of CityStep, what’s your go-to dance move? Justin Biggs: Remember those old iPod commercials with the black figures dancing? Those are all my go-to moves.

Street: Who would win in a celebrity death match, Onyx, CSSP or CityStep? JB: CityStep. Have you seen what CityStep kids do in our end of the year show?

Street: Best CityStep story? Any kids who really know how to groove? JB: The battles that occur every time all of the kids get together are beyond incredible, and as a part of the CityStep program all of our kids know how to break it down.

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be? JB: Telekinesis. Imagine the possibilities. Enough said.

Street: What's your take on reality dance TV? JB: I don't watch them, but if I could do a fraction of the things the Jabbawockeez are capable of — I would die a happy man.

Street: You’re walking into a party. What is playing in the background? JB: Jay-Z’s “Public Service Announcement” is still, in my opinion, one of the hottest songs to be released to date.

Street: Coolest person you have ever met? JB: I once heard ?uestlove from The Roots speak at an event... I like to count that as a meeting.

Street: Any guilty pleasures? JB: Late night runs to Fro Gro to buy PowerBars and chicken pasta.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn... JB: Those who get sick and stay in their rooms and those who come to class determined to get everyone else sick. H1N1 is still alive.

Street: What is your life motto? JB: I like Abe Lincoln’s “Good things come to those who wait, but only the things left over by those who hustle.”

Street: If you could step into someone’s shoes for the day, who would it be? JB: Kanye West. I’d like to see how many socially unacceptable actions I could take and still have the public love me.

Street: Biggest difference between the Wharton undergrads and the MBAs? JB: MBAs are more relaxed, they dress nicer and they have Pub. But wait, we have our youth. Count it.

Street: What’s next on your plate? JB: Short term: Twitter. Long term: Jeopardy by age 40. Watch out Trebek.

Street: You just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? JB: The corporate world hasn’t tired me out, and I still have my upbeat take on life. Also, Barack Obama, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock and I play poker on Tuesdays.