Act One Film Buff: Wow, I love your posters. Capra and Lynch, such an unusual mix.(1) Seducer: I almost put up my poster of The Third Man, signed by Orson Welles, but it’s much too valuable. Film Buff: [clearly impressed] Seducer: I rented a few films — Requiem for a Dream, The Bicycle Thief and A Woman Under the Influence— but I’m going to leave the final choice up to you. Film Buff: That selection is positively Altman-esque!(2) [Laughs]. Seducer: I also bought some gourmet popcorn. I know popcorn is so... pedestrian, but it’s important to remember that the beauty of film lies in its universality. Shall we move this to the couch? Film Buff: Let’s watch The Bicycle Thief. I’m in the mood for something light.
Act Two Seducer: [Hits pause, leans back on couch]. The director’s goal of depicting the inescapable chaos of subaltern interaction would have been much better realized if he had used an oblique angle in this scene.(3) Film Buff: I never thought of it that way, but I think you’re right. Seducer: Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world I feel like I can’t take it, like my heart’s going to cave in.(4) Film Buff: [Smiles]. Seducer: Here’s lookin’ at you, kid. Do you mind if I use a tracking shot on your sprocket holes?(5) Film Buff: Well, my hot splicer will be perfect to fuse my piece of film with yours.
Act Three [in the bedroom] Seducer: Adrian!(6) Film Buff: Attica! Attica!(7) Seducer: They call me Mr. Tibbs!(8) Film Buff: Shane! Shane! Come back, Shane!(9) Seducer: I’ll never let go, Jack! I’ll never let go!(10)
(1) Frank Capra was known for being optimistic, while David Lynch is known for being freaky. (2) Robert Altman (1925-2006), director of Nashville and M*A*S*H. (3) This probably doesn’t mean anything. (4) American Beauty (1999) (5) Casablanca (1942) (6) Rocky (1976) (7) Dog Day Afternoon (1975) (8) In the Heat of the Night (1967) (9) Shane (1953) (10) Titanic (1997)