With or without the tremendous boost Miracle Fruit gives to stout beer, the drink still stands on its own as a worldwide favorite. Guinness is by far the most popular stout; its rich, dry and somewhat bitter flavor is toasty and can be described as “coffee-like,” pleasing to some but not all. Oatmeal stouts are a smoother version and often taste sweeter — though don't taste at all of oats. Other options include chocolate stouts (whose high-alcohol content causes them to taste more like chocolate-flavored wine instead of beer), milk stouts and coffee stouts, all witProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0
a unique flavor grounded by a dark, malty base.
In a nutshell: if you’re a true beer appreciator, you’ll love the stout’s attention to flavor and texture. If not, one sip could leave you wincing and missing the cheap stuff.