1 lb carrots, peeled
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
1 tsp salt
2 tsp cumin
« tsp red pepper flakes (use more or less, depending on your spiciness tolerance)
4 tablespoons lemon juice
« cup orange juice
Use a cheese grater to shred the carrots (or just chop them up really small) and put them aside in a bowl. Heat oil over medium-low heat in a deep pan. Add the garlic and stir it around for about 30 seconds. Add the salt, cumin and red pepper flakes, and stir to combine with the garlic. Add the lemon juice; the liquid might get briefly steamy and spit, so be careful. Slowly pour in the orange juice. Wait for it to boil, then turn the heat down and let it bubble for three minutes. Pour the sauce over the carrots, and toss. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until it's time to eat. This salad tastes better if you make it early in the day - keep it in the refrigerator until its ready to serve.