A new study from the University of Michigan shows that having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework a week for women. Study reveals that having a wife creates an extra 15 hours of bitching a week for men.
Tiger eats Chinese man at zoo. Has trouble reading the fortune cookie.
A diamond thong worth $122,000 was the highlight of a lingerie fashion show in Singapore on Thursday. More specifically, a 122G-string was the highlight of the show.
Charlton Heston dies of kidney failure at 84. Proves once and for all that guns don't kill people; failed kidneys kill people.
Police swarm Colorado day care to break up "blankie" flight. Police met with resistance of cuteness and smelly diapers.
Transgendered man is 6 months pregnant, appears on Oprah. Jack Black signs up to star in Knocked Up 2: Man, I Could Really Go for Some Pickles.
Children in a New Zealand school have been banned from bringing cakes into class to share on their birthdays. Also banned in New Zealand: Happiness.