To be seeing hearts, stars and clovers by noon this Saturday, pack a warm flask o' Baileys and pony up for Low Brow's St. Patrick's Day Drinking Game

EVERY TIME you see someone wearing green, take a shot. If it's because they're pledging Tabard, shoot them.

EVERY TIME you hear the words "I was so blackout last night," take a shot.

EVERY TIME you see a red-haired Asian, take a shot.

EVERY TIME you see a fake tan, take a shot. Take an extra shot if they have bikini strings sticking out of their pants. Take three for every peeling face.

EVERY TIME you mistake your piss for green beer, take two shots. Everytime you drink it, sweet.

EVERY TIME you see a drunk professor, take a shot. An extra shot if he's got a child with him. Two extra shots if the child is drinking too.

EVERY TIME you see a freshman yelling "I can't wait 'til Spring Fling!" punch him, then take a shot. Then take his alcohol.