I am not an optimistic person. In fact, I would say that I'm the farthest you can get from optimistic. I don't think the glass is half empty, I think it's completely empty. I'm cynical, critical, sarcastic and pessimistic. But to be honest, I'm okay with that. I know that there's all this literature saying that if you're more positive you'll be happier, but people who are all bubble gum, puppy dogs and lollipops make me want to lash out violently. Everyone knows that person who is the "everything will work out for the best" type. They need to realize that no, it doesn't always work out for the best. Sometimes shit just happens. But if you aren't expecting things to be candy canes and sugar plums in the first place, then you won't be so disappointed.

Granted, there certainly are times when you should be optimistic. For example, if you think from the beginning of a Friday night that it's going to be a bust, then it probably will be. In sports, if you think you're going to lose, you probably will. But as far as general, everyday stuff goes, just forget it. In my vast experience, if something can go wrong, it will, and people are mostly just assholes. Don't try to turn this on me - people are not assholes because I'm a pessimist, they're assholes because they're assholes or their fathers didn't love them or something. Regardless, no amount of optimism on my part is going to change them.

I'll concede that there's often a silver lining. When you don't get into a class, you might get to take a better one. And when one friend blows you off, you'll make better, non-alcoholic and non-slutty friends (just an example, let's not read too far into these). So while people are buttheads to the nth degree and life often pelts you with lemons, you will be okay eventually. And if you really can't see a way to get through some bullshit, try tripping the next bouncing, happy kid you see. It will definitely make you feel better.