7. You'll be graduating soon. Do you really think that any so-called improvements will actually benefit you?

6. Just because voting is easy does NOT mean you should do it. Puffing the cheeba in a fireworks store is pretty easy too. But that doesn't make it right.

5. The UA does NOT make decisions on your behalf. I do. ME. The PROVOST. I'm paid to. I have a bunch of degrees and credentials and you do not. Sure, Gutmann helps out every once in a while, but do you really think your Poli Sci major, high school student government experience and messenger bag are going to make me shake in my space boots? How about No.

4. UA members don't care if you VOTE. They care if they WIN.

3. Voting will NOT give you any street cred. No one ever got ahead in life by saying, "I have a strong opinion on this, and by the way I voted in UA elections last spring." Trust me, I don't even listen to people actually on the UA.

2. Yes it's true, the UA controls $1.5 million, but unless you're actually on the UA you'll never see that money because their yearly retreat to a tropical resort on the Galapagos Islands usually costs about $1.4 million.

1. Your vote won't matter. Even if it comes down to one vote (which it won't) it does not mean that any candidate deserves your vote. They probably both suck.