One of Philadelphia's oldest neighborhoods is now becoming one of the city's most unique cultural hotspots. With the Old World charm of a traditional dim sum meal and the New World flare of the Troc, Chinatown can provide any adventurous college student with a full day of delicious, irreverent fun.
Chinatown In/Flux
1315 Cherry St.
(215) 557-0455
More than just an art exhibition, Chinatown In/Flux attempts to reveal the soul of the Chinese experience in Philadelphia through public installations. Created by Chinese artists, In/Flux is peppered all throughout Chinatown, but calls this Cherry Street location its headquarters.
The Trocadero
1003 Arch St.
(215) 922-LIVE
A small theater located in the heart of Chinatown, the Troc is considered by many to be one of the best concert venues in the city. Bands such as The Pietasters and Saves the Day will be playing within the next two weeks, a testament to the enormous street cred that the Troc has earned compared to, let's say, the Tweeter Center.
Imperial Inn
146 N. 10th St.
(215) 627-5588
To truly enjoy the range of food at the Imperial Inn, stop by on a weekend morning to sample the chaos and confusion that is the dim sum experience. Waiters with carts of steaming food wheel between tables, and patrons simply point to what they want. Better yet, leave your Chinese-speaking friend at home and be adventurous with whatever's inside that fried taro root dumpling.
Friendship Arch
10th and Arch Sts.
Friendship Arch, located near Arch Street, is one of the most recognizable symbols of Philadelphia's vibrant Chinese community. Although such paifang, or traditional Chinese arches, are common in many North American's neighborhoods, Philly's Friendship Arch is renowned for its ornate detail.