10. Read E.L. Doctorow's new book, The March
9. Spent quality time with your family
8. Relaxed in the sun
7. Saw Brokeback Mountain
6. Helped a friend move
5. Met a cutie at the gym
4. Went to a sick New Year's party where you kissed at least three people (you were too drunk to remember exactly how many) at midnight
3. Hooked up with your ex
2. Nothing. Just chilled.
1. Caught up on sleep
Top Ten Things you actually DID over break
10. Read Sisterhood of the
Traveling Pants
9. Remembered how much you hate your friends from high school and thus had to spend time with your family by default
8.You live in New Jersey. Every one knows you went to a tanning bed.
7. Saw Chronicles of Narnia
6. Helped a friend stay put. You came over and made sure he did not begin to load things into a truck.
5. Stuffed your face the whole break like every night was Thanksgiving
4. Went to a sick New Year's party where you kissed at least three people (you were too drunk to remember exactly how many) at midnight, then woke up the next morning to a lovely New Year's Day surprise: Bam! Oral herpes.
3, Dreamt about hooking up with that girl who plays the older sister in Chronicles of Narnia, which you most definitely saw
2. Skull-fucked a dead possum
1. Got no sleep at all because you kept checking Penn InTouch to see if your damn grades had been posted yet