Wolf Blitzer speaks to Penn students on honesty in the media. His remarks were brief and evasive.
Four violent weekend robberies may be linked. Each incident reportedly includes people taking things from other people.
Fox's Arrested Development cancelled. In the words of Gob Bluth, they've made a huge mistake.
Surprise gift makes Penn $14M richer. Trustees to use the money for squirrel research, domesticating wild mimes, anti-squirrel research and lasers.
Twins sisters try to fool judge in larceny case. Brother Taj scolds his sisters Tia and Tamera, reminding us all why he is the Smart Guy.
College plans to increase e-mail quota. Most undecided whether the actual size matters.
Quakers defeated in season finale at Harvard. But rise above defeat because real Quakers don't
believe in competition.
Students take tea with Rendell. Governor sulks that he would have preferred coffee.
Voters showed less appetite for tax cuts. And more appetite for filet mignon. Filet mignon beats tax cuts. Way to go filet mignon.
HIV debate emerges in Canada. It's a problem, dontch'ya know, eh?
FDA rejects Next-Day pill. In related news: religious right rejects abortions, sociologists reject population growth, citizens reject abstinence. And Maggie thinks we're fucked.
Bush says Democrats send "mixed signals." Bush unsure whether Democrats like him or LIKE like him.
World's poor still face digital divide. Things faced by world's poor besides lack of digital technology: Hmm, how about POVERTY.
Penn tries to steer students toward the sciences. So far, the marketability of the DRL has really paid off.
Internet control key issue at upcoming U.N. summit. Better luck next time world hunger.