Suddenly, the whole school reeks. Not of rotting gyros nor unwashed freshman. Not of freshly manured Green grass nor second hand smoke.
No, it's the smell of ambitious seniors. It's polluting our air. And it's everywhere.
Right about now, I want to sit back and take a look at my life. I'm 22 years old, I'm a senior and I'm done with rejection. It's in my past. I don't want to put myself out there. I want people to say, "Hey, we want YOU!" I want a career to jump up and bite me in the ass, and I want to love it. But, you know you're in bad shape when your mom says, "I don't really see you having one of those jobs where you, you know, get up every morning and dress up and go into an office. Something that scheduled, well, just isn't you." But, then I see everyone with their suits and ties -- and I want to choke -- but I also want to grab their so-called "offers" and "benefits" and "happy, well-adjusted, comfortable, successful futures" and run.
What the hell is a TV-watching slacker to do?
(Watch a lot of shitty TV. (It's awesome!))
Some people say that we'll be laughing at them (you know who you all are) 10 years down the road. Yeah, we'll be laughing as their Beamers whiz past the busted up Corollas we're trying to jump start.
How do we get from there to here and here to there? Freshmen, you think you've got it all so good (and you do, for another three years). No more SATs or detentions or pencils or books or teachers' dirty looks. But the prospect of applying to the real world is much worse than applying to college. There's always somewhere you'll get in to. The safety school of "life" is hell compared to community college. It's a box on the street, or, if you're really unlucky, your old bedroom.
OK. Even I haven't given up hope. Really. I have good grades (sometimes) and a winning personality (that one day) and the world is huge and vast and I'm an eternal optimist (ha!). Still, cigarettes and premium cable and Diet Pepsi cost money, and I want all those things. So can somebody please tell me what to do already? It's, like, October and I'm unemployed.
Oh, but seriously. All of you who are being productive? Go take a shower. Your stench is so killing my buzz.