While I've never actually been to Saigon, I have a good feeling this isn't what it looks like. Located at the corner of 43rd and Spruce, the neon lights and colored flags of Pho & Cafe Saigon make it look more Quik-E Mart than sit-down restaurant. The decorations inside are a far cry from elegant -- the standard fat and smiling Buddha watches over you as you eat (an unwelcome reminder of what happens when you stray from Atkins territory) and a hodge-podge of red and gold posters, dolls and advertisements for bubble tea clutter the walls. But, like Mom always says, don't judge a Vietnamese restaurant by the size of its Buddha.

Despite Pho's gaudy ambiance, it offers an impressive variety of Vietnamese fare and is an excellent bang for your buck. However, the eating experience at Pho is certainly an adventure. All carb freaks and vegetarians should beware --the menu consists mainly of rice, noodles, beef and pork, and if you aren't an adventurous eater, or have a problem with not knowing exactly what you're ordering, this may not be the place for you. There are only two people on the staff, and they have little time to clear up silly questions such as the difference between beef ball soup and beef eye soup. If you do manage to catch someone, don't expect a warm response. The notion that the customer is always right has not yet made its way to 43rd street. Though it takes a while to get anyone's attention, once you finally do order, the food comes out almost immediately. While the dishes all seem to look the same, the food is actually pretty good and not too scary. The spring rolls and vegetable rolls are excellent, as are the noodle soups and the ever-popular bubble tea (which comes in not one but twelve great flavors!)

Bottom line? The food is good, and the service is OK, but there's no alcohol and the space itself leaves something to be desired. The shining aspect of Pho is that the prices are more than reasonable. So, if you're broke or sick of Beijing, give Saigon a shot.