Seth Berkowitz and Jared Barnett have been best buddies ever since freshman year. Little did these pals know that their friendship would blossom into the thriving and divinely tasty Insomnia Cookies.

What first drew you guys to the cookie industry? Are you both really big fans of the cookie?

Seth: I started it my first semester of junior year, just to take up some extra time. It started off fairly quickly, and Jared and I teamed up last summer because there was no way I could do it alone. It's way too much work.

But why the cookie in particular? Do you both enjoy baking a great deal?

Jared: It's not that we're so into baking, it's that we're really into business. I mean, of course the product is really, really good, but it's the service that we offer that's so successful.

Are you both in Wharton?

Jared: Actually, neither of us is in Wharton. We're both in the College .... He's an Econ major, and I'm a history major.

That's very surprising. I would have assumed that you'd both be in Wharton.

Seth: Wharton is a great business school and all that, but the best way to learn about business is just to do it. Running a delivery business like ours has absolutely nothing to do with finance.

Jared: It's a whole other ball game.

Seth: A whole other ball game.

Are you sure there are no Wharton grad school plans ahead?

Jared: Since our business is such a successful concept, we pretty much are only thinking about expansion as post-grad plans right now. We work 16-hour days, and during the time we're not working, we're probably asleep.

Does anyone help you guys with the work?

Seth: We hired a full-time staff who work for us right now so we don't have to deal with the baking or anything like that. But we're still in there every night focusing on expansion and trying to get support from investors.

So if I woke up tonight at like five in the morning and really wanted a cookie, would I be able to order one from you?

Seth: Not at five. We're open 'til 2 a.m. on weekdays, because people don't generally call later than that, but on weekends we stay open 'til 4 a.m.

Are there any crazy stories from your delivery days?

Seth: When I used to deliver, I would get invited in a lot to hang out. That was pretty standard. There are situations when people just don't show up and our delivery guys can't get into the Quad or the high rises. Since I'm a student and I have an ID card, I'll just go up to their door and demand the money. Once we've prepared the cookies, put them in the oven and sent a delivery guy over, we don't love to set a precedent where you can just skimp out.

Have there ever been any big confrontations or scandals about non-payment for cookies?

Seth: Umm, nothing like that. Some crazy things do happen ... like Jared went out one time with like 15 orders and he fell and ruined them all. It was pretty funny. I slip on ice sometimes. It can get embarrassing.

Honestly, I have never partaken in an Insomnia cookie, but I intend to try one very soon. I hear that the cookies are something tasty?

Seth: I think our cookies are great. Obviously I'm biased ... even though I can't even eat our cookies any more because I see them and smell them so often. I guess I'm kind of sick of them, but they're a really excellent product.

Jared: Our cookies really are great. It's not just that the concept is so original that people would eat anything ... Any great cookie would work.

And yours is a great cookie?

Seth: Anyone we ask always says they like it. Once in a while, we take too long to deliver, but the general consensus is that they're very good.

How long does it take to deliver them?

Seth: Usually, you'll get your cookies in like 20 or 25 minutes, but it might take up to like 45 if we get a ton of calls all at once.

You guys must be really backed up on finals week and holidays.

Seth: Actually, Halloween was the worst night ever for Insomnia Cookies. We're used to over 100 orders, and we got like three that night. We forgot to tell everyone that we were selling Halloween cookies, and everyone just went out to party and forgot about us -- it was so random. That was the most random night ever.

Can the cookies ever be laced with more stimulating ingredients if the request is made?

Seth: Everyone always calls and asks for weed brownies. It's by far our most normal special request. We're legally legitimate. We have corporate status and pay taxes .... So, while we appreciate the question, we can't really do the order.

Jared: It is pretty funny, though. Some people call and give me passwords; like they make up passwords and tell me in advance and expect me to make them special cookies if they say the password to me over the phone.

Do people ever call with really bizarre requests or orders that you just can't possibly do?

Jared: Umm, some people have allergies, so we have to be careful about that. Like a lot of people will call and say they really want our cookies, but they're allergic to chocolate.

Seth: We have sugar cookies for them.

Jared: Yeah, we're not taking their lives that easily.

Seth: Nut allergies are another big deal. We obviously sell varieties of non-nut cookies, but some people just make stupid requests. Like once I got an order for pecan cookies, and I asked if they had a nut allergy, and the guy said yes. It's bizarre but it's definitely happened a couple of times.

Sounds annoying.

Seth: Yeah, but one rule we always follow is no matter how annoying a customer is -- and they can be pretty annoying. For example, last night a guy called at 1:05 a.m. and placed an order, and at 1:10 a.m., he called to find out where his cookies were. We're like, "What are you talking about? You understand we make it from scratch?" And the guy's like, "Yeah, I know, I was just wondering." We're like, "It's been five minutes." But no matter how annoying a customer is, we just have to deal with it, because honestly the customer is always right.

Is the business work ever just too much to handle?

Seth: Before we hired people three months ago, we were dying. I'd bake all the cookies and Jared would deliver them. It was just completely insane.

Is it hard to juggle work with school?

Seth: Yeah, it's hard. I have a test tomorrow and I am royally screwed. It's ridiculous, but last semester I did exceptionally well, so ... go figure.

So why should people buy your cookies?

Seth: One, they're delicious. Two, they're hot and fresh and that's always enjoyable. Three, everyone loves them, so why not? I think we really just have to get our name out to everyone. We're getting there. People just have to keep ordering and it'll be great.

Jared: It's the perfect alternative to pizza.

Seth: Yeah, if you're ever in the mood for something that's sweet and comforting ... and comes right to your door very quickly, order from us.