Remi? Who is she? Some of you may be wondering where our usual Letter from the Editor writer is. Well, Nick is out of town and that means I am the captain now. That being said, any complaints and angry emails should be directed to, thanks.

This past week, I got to walk around in Nick's shoes for a bit as I've taken on some of the responsibilities of Editor in Chief—and he's 6'5" if that tells you anything about how big his shoes are. While we always joke about no one knowing what Nick does, I can now attest that he does a lot. It is a job that keeps you on your toes and you have to handle anything it throws at you. There were decisions to be made and pressure to be had. When unexpected problems would arise or there were challenges outside my department, I was now the go–to representative for Street. I even had to learn cursive to sign this letter! After this week, I had a newfound respect for Nick and have never appreciated him more. I didn't realize how much of a luxury it was to have the person I trust and lean on most at Street always available. And this week it was my turn to let him lean on me. I can only hope I ran as tight a ship as he does.

But I'm lucky in that Nick isn't the only person in my life that I can depend on. I realized this week that there are so many people in all of our lives that go underappreciated. We don't realize how much other people do for us or just how much of an impact they have on our lives. There are so many little things people do that may seem inconsequential but when those things stop you miss them more than you thought you would. We are all guilty of it. When your roommate goes out of town and doesn't do their chores for a week or your usual study partner isn't in your class this semester, you realize how much you lean on each other to make the tedious parts of life more manageable.

Soon, we will be voting on a new board of people to run the DP. Nick and I will be handing off our roles to the next generation of Street leaders. Our exec board was everything I could have hoped for. And everything we did, we did as a team. I hope our successors inherit a team as tight–knit and reliable as mine was. I hope they appreciate each other and express their appreciation for each other often. I could do a better job at that in every aspect of my life. I think everyone could.