Had sex with my roommate still in the room
Been sexiled/Sexiled someone else
Hooked up with a TA
Had explosive diarrhea in Van Pelt
Drank Jungle Juice and been completely fine
Walked down Locust with my skirt in my underwear
Hooked up with a Drexel
Enjoyed a downtown
Accidentally blasted my headphone music in Huntsman
Lost my virginity
Met my spouse at Penn
Seen Amy Gutmann
Waited less than hour for Koch’s Deli
Made it to the Fling concert
Eaten at Penne
Gotten into Smoke’s
Attended a Penn–sanctioned NSO event
Sent nude pics!
Done the readings
Put hoes before bros
Read “Penn News Today”
Believed in the UA
Finished all my meal swipes
Had a building named after my family
Been to the Palestra
Cried at Pottruck
Used Penn Walk